Kate Carr is unafraid to take things a few steps further and go where others hesitate to go – last December’s Rubbish Music, which was literally created using rubbish, is a great example.
“Everything from vibrations caused by cars and footfalls, to indistinct murmurs, music in public space, and the roar of distant sporting events has found its way into my compositions.”
Carr‘s growing catalogue of works was released on various labels, but mostly on Flaming Pines – the label she founded herself.
I guess most of us have sometimes plucked a rubber band and listened how that sounded (I did, anyway). Carr created her own noise boxes, using various constructions with rubber bands and springs.
She recorded these experiments with contact microphones, and post-processed the sonic material with various effects. The result sounds utterly different from what you might have expected. I’m not sure how to describe it in words other than fascinating and adventurous, so I suggest you just listen for yourself.
Rubber Band Music is released on CD and as a download. With the initial pre-release there was also a ‘noise box edition’ available, with a hand-crafted noise box including springs, rubber bands, ‘items to produce textural sounds’, also fitted with a contact mix and 1/4″ socket for amplification.
Interested? Sorry, note the ‘was’ in this sentence. Sold out long before release date (which is the day I publish this post!).
But with the images in mind, it shouldn’t be too hard to build one yourself?