Arno Peeters – The Peeters Principle

Ambientblog Mixes
Ambientblog Mixes
Arno Peeters – The Peeters Principle

When I started working on this ‘single artist mix’ featuring music and sounds from Arno Peeters, I did not realise that creating a mix-collage based on soundscapes would be more difficult than one based on single tracks. A soundscape is a collage in itself – and using fragments from soundscapes to build another soundscape is like ripping up a collage and presenting the fragmented details out of their original context, rearranging them to create a new caleidoscopic image. The original context gets lost, and the result feels like an aural stream of consciousness that may not exactly be “easy on the ears” …. but may prove to be a fascinating exploration of imaginary territories.. — originally published on Ambientblog —


  • 00:00 Elements
    Autumn Leaves (2007) Compilation
  • 01:07 Headtrick 
    Modulation & Transformation 4 (1999) – Compilation 
  • 02:01 Taurus
    ‘Stars of the Sky’-performance (2010)
  • 03:49 Blindside
    Soundscape Jakarta (2001) – In commission NPS 
  • 04:26 Soundscape Battle (with Radboud Mens)
    Live recording CEM-Festival (2004)
  • 06:30 As Death Passes By
    Tape (not released, 1988)
  • 06:40 Intro
    ‘Stars of the Sky’-performance (2010)
  • 08:20 If You Have a Girlfriend
    Tape (not released, 1984)   
  • 08:48 Voltage Control – Yatiyana
    To An Undefined Public (1991)
  • 12:55 Amunite
    Int. Email Audio Art Project Volume 4 (2010) – Compilation 
  • 13:42 Spasms – World on Prozac
    Fuzzy Logic (1995)   
  • 16:03 Don’t Breathe a Word
    Electro-acoustic Music From The Netherlands (2001) – Compilation 
  • 19:05 Headtrick
    Modulation & Transformation 4 (1999) – Compilation 
  • 19:31 Oscillator Concert
    Tape (not released, 1983)   
  • 19:48 Drone Cancer – Leo
    ‘Stars of the Sky’-performance (2010)
  • 23:18 Try to be very Zen about it
    AeroSon (1996)   
  • 24:25 Dawning of a New Era
    Tape (not released, 1990)   
  • 24:49 To Ivory Towers
    Plugin Drop Out (2002)
  • 27:21 Headtrick
    Modulation & Transformation 4 (1999) – Compilation 
  • 27:34 SMS 1
    Plugin Drop Out (2002)
  • 28:53 Scorpio
    ‘Stars of the Sky’-performance (2010)
  • 29:56 M-A
    Soundtrack for a fashion short by Martijn Berk (2010)
  • 30:22 Amorph
    AeroSon (1996)   
  • 31:43 Audentity II
    AeroSon (1996)   
  • 34:53 Spasms – What’s Going Down and Why am I going with it
    Fuzzy Logic (1995)   
  • 35:52 Twinthought – Insanity Shake
    Tape (not released, 1986)   
  • 38:06 Mayrau “Fossil Sounds, Memory Mining”
    Fossil Sounds, Memory Mining
  • 40:31 NVDK Soundscape
    Night of Art, Music and Theatre, Enschede (2008)
  • 45:14 Turning to Raseborg
    Turning to Raseborg, Finland (2008)
  • 48:01 Water Soundtrack
    video by Iris Honderdos (2007-2008)