Michael Fahres; Miguel Isaza; Naviar Series 006; Circuit Integré Vol. 1

Michael Fahres presents a radically different vision on ‘environmental music’;
Miguel Isaza manages to find a balance between the temporal and the eternal;
Naviar Records demonstrate that a community can generate strong (or even stronger) results;
and: the introducton of a new series exploring the lively Polish experimental electronic underground scene.

Entropic (Mix)

…. slowly evolving to a state of inert uniformity …. retracing information that was lost from the message … searching for the uniformity in what seems to be randomly disordered …

This mix is published simultaneously on Headphone Commute:
“You’re in for a treat!”

DreamScenes 2015-07

The warm, soft voice of Anne Garner guides you into (and out of) a dreamy hour of sounds also including Nils Frahm, Bruno Sanfilippo, Leonardo Rosado, Michel Banabila, Söll, Yamaoka, Aes Dana, Miktek and Fabio Perletta.