Ferdinando Arnò (with Melanie De Biasio) * Delilah Gutman + Drawing Virtual Gardens * Otto Lindholm

Ferdinando Arnò presents a fascinating soundtrack (featuring Melanie De Biasio) for the Radura installation in Milan, Drawing Virtual Gardens soundscapes are combined with with Delilah Gutman’s piano, and Otto Lindholm’s debut album presents subtle solo double bass soundscapes.

DreamScenes 2016-08

The August edition of DreamScenes feels like a full night’s sleep cycle compressed to one hour!

Featuring 36, Christopher Tignor, Ferdinando Arnò (with Melanie De Biasio), Ian William Craig, Eric Holm, Nils Quak, Brambles, Sylvain Chauveau, Kolhoosi 13, Antonymes, Daniel Lanois, Mathieu Ruhlmann, Strië and Jherek Bischoff

Jacob Kirkegaard * Francesco Giannico & Giulio Aldinucci * Andreas Usenbenz

Celebrating World Listening Day 2016 with various environmental sound projects:
The sound (and vision) of the Singing Sands in Oman as recorded by Jacob Kirkegaard, public squares all around the world, enhanced by Francesco Giannico and Giulio Aldinucci, and extended drones created from the sound of the church bells from the Ulm Minster by Andreas Usenbenz

Solace (Mix)

“Life can only be remembered backwards, but it must be lived forwards.”

The central piece provides the title for this mix: Solace – “Comfort in sorrow, misfortune. Consolation.”
This Fovea Hex track literally breathes consolation in every single note, so it seemed a good starting point for this mix.
It is also one of the few tracks in the mix that are included in its full length.

Even though there are quite some dark moments in this mix, I hope it may bring some ‘solace’ – if needed.
(If not needed: even better…! It still can be nice to feel a bit melancholic for a while, can’t it?)

DreamScenes 2016-07

There’s a remarkable amount of rain falling in this July edition of DreamScenes. Well… I guess it perfectly fits this summer season…

With Cerfilic, Ian William Craig, Helios, Ben Lukas Boysen, Antonymes/Marconi Union, Claire M. Singer, Olivier Alary, Jonty Harrison, Stephan Mathieu, Mathieu Lamontagne, Anne Garner/Christoph Berg, M4X and Max Richter.