Yann Novak * Noto/Sakamoto * Tonaliens
Drones and Performances: Yann Novak‘s ‘The Future Is A Forward Escape Into The Past’, ‘Glass’ by Ryuichi Sakamoto & Alva Noto, and Tonaliens’ self-titled album.
Drones and Performances: Yann Novak‘s ‘The Future Is A Forward Escape Into The Past’, ‘Glass’ by Ryuichi Sakamoto & Alva Noto, and Tonaliens’ self-titled album.
Keith Berry’s three titles from 2017: Viable Systems, Simulacra and Elixir.
Pink Fluid may sound like a joke – but it’s lighthearted, not lightweight
Ben McElroy combines folk, drone and experimental into his own unique sound
“If we are able to uncover the profound beauty of things, that seem to be hidden, it is possible to become more humble and appreciative of life around us.”
Alapastel expands the borders of ‘post-classical’ music, plus rearrangements of ambient music classics for clarinet and piano by Group Listening.
“The only journey is the one within…”
Dalot & Sound Awakener *** Overlap
Cello music to enjoy the quietness and calm of hidden moments: by Danny Norbury & Ian Hawgood and Aaron Martin
Post-classical music meets dark jazz on Wordclock’s ‘Heralds’ – and Tomasz Sroczynski’s full scale symphony created with only a violin and a sampler.
Frans de Waard’s “Hot August Night” is the answer to anyone that thinks that ambient music ‘needs more cowbell’.
Also three releases on Moving Furniture records that explore the deepest of drones: Zeno van den Broek, Kassel Jaeger and Orphax (remixes).
The wind comes from the North, and it is a cold wind.
This is a clear warning that we have to be careful, take action, and take care to preserve the nature that we will miss when it is gone forever.
Plus: Michel Banabila’s ‘Just Above The Surface’