S.E.T.I. * Frame

S.E.T.I. delivers 8(!) hours of music for your hibernation on your quest for extra-terrestrial intelligence… Frame‘s journey stays closed to home: exploring our own galaxy

Akira Rabelais – CXVI

“a 1000 Laws of Æthelred iii. c. 13 §1 (Schmid) And þar þeᴁen aᴁe tweᴁen costas lufe oþþe laᴁe and he þonne lufe ᴁeceose. 1432–50 tr. Higden (Rolls) I. 99 Oreb‥the mownte of fere and of luffe [L. mons terroris et fœderis]. Ibid. II. 347, IV. 123. a 1500 in Arnolde Chron. (1811) 90 Yf ther bee ony persone wythin the warde that is not vnder francpledge that is to saye under loue and lawe.”

Akira Rabelais – CXVI