Robert Moran * Henrik Meierkord
Robert Moran decomposes Wagner’s Parsifal using a 12-second reverb as an instrument *** Henrik Meierkord plays his meditative ambient cello to turn life’s burden into much-needed peace.
Jos Smolders * Iain Chambers
Fascinating electro-acoustic soundscapes by Jos Smolders and Iain Chambers, respectively:
Jos sonically explores a poem by Stéphane Mallermé ; Iain celebrates the brutalist architecture of Paris.
Wil Bolton * Grigoni/Hatakeyama/Vitiello
Escape from daily life on earth for a while watching clouds with Wil Bolton or drift off with Grigoni, Hatakeyama and Vitiello.
Ryan van Haesendonck * Valotihkuu & Dynastor
Adventurous debut from Ryan van Haesendonck *** Midnight stories as told by Valothikuu & Dynastor.
Lijnenspel: Info 1 – Compression
Learn to love the things you used to hate: Lijnenspel goes meta by removing the signal from the noise, creating drones from compression artefacts.
Craven Faults * N (93) + Deep
Linked by their cover image but presenting totally different kinds of music: ‘post-industrial’ loops by Craven Faults vs. brutal noise-drone by N (93) + Deep.
DreamScenes – February 2021
“Deep Drone – Drowning Light … Dark Drone – Dead of Night”
DreamScenes for February 2021
Sachi Kobayashi * Frieder Nagel
Music for quiet moments: two dreamy albums by Sachi Kobayashi, and Frieder Nagel‘s music for an installation celebrating a park tree.