Aiko Takahashi * Phonsonic
Aiko Takahashi’s music is combined with the photography of Edouard Elias on the latest IIKKI book+cd-release *** Phonsonic spreads out a tapestry of echoes, but without overusing the effect.
RNGMNN & Karina Dorin * Sova Stroj
RNGMNN & Karina Dorin create an insomniac’s soundtrack *** Sova Stroj brings out the beast in a pipe organ.
Moritz von Oswald * Small Things On Sundays
Moritz von Oswald explores the differences and similarities between human and artificial sounds *** Small Things On Sundays presents their own ‘Young Person’s Guide’ to their work.
Bersarin Quartett * Bernocchi / Yamane
Two widescreen cinematic releases on Denovali: the new (fifth) Bersarin Quartett release, and the second collaboration of Eraldo Bernocchi with Hoshiko Yamane.
Comes / Veldman * Annie Aries
Martijn Comes and Hessel Veldman come to terms with a world in turmoil *** Annie Aries explores the sound of the void.
Simon Whetham * Emmanuel Régis
Alien soundworlds to get lost in: Simon Whetham explores the near imperceivable sounds of fermentation, and Emmanuel Régis creates a parallel sonic universe.