Simon Whetham * Emmanuel Régis
Alien soundworlds to get lost in: Simon Whetham explores the near imperceivable sounds of fermentation, and Emmanuel Régis creates a parallel sonic universe.
Alien soundworlds to get lost in: Simon Whetham explores the near imperceivable sounds of fermentation, and Emmanuel Régis creates a parallel sonic universe.
From Overseas & Zakè create a moment to look forward to *** Amongst Myselves contemplates the ending of all things.
A diverse collage by Bill Seaman, Tim Diagram and Stephen Spera *** Music that is conscious to the unconscious mind: Iu Takahashi
‘Dust in the breeze of a sonic moment’ on Zane Trow’s album *** Will Gardner’s grief for what is lost and what remains.
As The Inward Circles, Richard Skelton transforms the runout grooves of a 50-year old baroque recording * Brad E. Rose fights his existential dread (and insomnia) with music.
Soriah combines his Tuvan throat singing with drones from Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Norman Westberg *** Roedelius’ collaboration with Arnold Kasar presents an entirely different atmosphere.
Aleksi Myllykoski’s Silent Chaos is more silent than chaotic, but with a gradually intensifying tension. *** Tomosla’s Moor Thoughts is inspired by time passed and futures unfolding.
The Green Kingdom and Spacecraft both explore the region just above the clouds *** Snufmumriko stays closer to earth: on the border between land and sea.