Ferdinando Arnò (with Melanie De Biasio) * Delilah Gutman + Drawing Virtual Gardens * Otto Lindholm

Ferdinando Arnò presents a fascinating soundtrack (featuring Melanie De Biasio) for the Radura installation in Milan, Drawing Virtual Gardens soundscapes are combined with with Delilah Gutman’s piano, and Otto Lindholm’s debut album presents subtle solo double bass soundscapes.

Jacob Kirkegaard * Francesco Giannico & Giulio Aldinucci * Andreas Usenbenz

Celebrating World Listening Day 2016 with various environmental sound projects:
The sound (and vision) of the Singing Sands in Oman as recorded by Jacob Kirkegaard, public squares all around the world, enhanced by Francesco Giannico and Giulio Aldinucci, and extended drones created from the sound of the church bells from the Ulm Minster by Andreas Usenbenz