Michel Banabila * Matthew Florianz
A CD-compilation of singles released between 2020 and 2022 by Michel Banabila — Matthew Florianz reminisces the time he lived in The Hague on Mist Schimmen (Fog Shadows).
A CD-compilation of singles released between 2020 and 2022 by Michel Banabila — Matthew Florianz reminisces the time he lived in The Hague on Mist Schimmen (Fog Shadows).
Netherworld worries about vanishing arctic lands, while Kloob & Onasander conjure massive medieval storms.
‘Almost static ambient music’ by Yui Onodera, Greg Davis and Oberlin.
Multimedia releases about inner and external states: music and videos by Iván Cebrián & Victor Cerdán and Vongoiva.
“Interesting music is not ignorable”: two performances by Fani Konstantinidou, and the Lyraei as designed and played by Mihalis Shammas.
Apart from its opening sample – ‘It is time to stop seeing. It is time to stop speaking. It is time to listen’, from David Cronenberg’s Crimes Of the Future – this mix has no central theme or story. It’s up to you, the listener, to take the time to listen and go with the flow.
Luscious cinematic widescreen ambient by Snufmumriko (on Dronarivm) and Cell (on Ultimae Records).
Music closely connected to nature: Anne Chris Bakker’s preparation for his year in Scandinavia, and his collaboration album with Andrew Heath and Mi Cosa De Resistance.
“It is time to stop seeing
It is time to stop speaking
It is time to listen”
DreamScenes for July 2022