DreamScenes – April 2018

It’s cauld – it’s dark – through the dread waste
Yon starn, sae red, and sma,
Presses its weak, encumberd, beam,
To perish in the sna’.

Och! Och! it’s mirk – the furious storm,
Howls round the hill sae high;
And black, and awfu’, on the earth,
Sits down the laiden sky.
[Robert Couper, 1804]

Capac * Strië

Capac celebrates the cold winter season with a fascinating collection (and an unprecedented combustible edition) * Strië tells about the perpetual journey of Laïka the Russian space dog.

Alapastel * Group Listening

“If we are able to uncover the profound beauty of things, that seem to be hidden, it is possible to become more humble and appreciative of life around us.”

Alapastel expands the borders of ‘post-classical’ music, plus rearrangements of ambient music classics for clarinet and piano by Group Listening.