Sound and Stone * Dialog Tapes II
Various artists explore the Fessman Sound Stones * Eiléan and Dauw present musical soulmates in various combinations.
Various artists explore the Fessman Sound Stones * Eiléan and Dauw present musical soulmates in various combinations.
Vvolk may very well be the only ‘ambient orchestra’ in the world * Three works inspired by (perpetual) motion by Claudio F. Baroni * Olivia Block‘s ‘132 Ranks’ will make you feel humble.
Celebrating 13 years of Ambientblog with an exclusive (and free) Machinefabriek track download “Transform II” * Michel Banabila‘s latest album re-explores his musical past (and also contains the original “Transform”)
Jana Irmert‘s immersive ‘Flood’ and Thomas Ankersmit‘s ‘Homage to Dick Raaijmakers’
From soothing angelic to devilishly scary within a few seconds: Trondheim Voices & Asle Karstad‘s “Rooms & Rituals”
Headphone Commute, Ambientblog and Slowcraft Records are proud to present a unique mix by a colleague and partner in crime, Peter van Cooten, of beautiful works from a beautiful couple: James Murray and
DreamScenes for September 2018:
“Don’t you weep pretty baby – Don’t you weep pretty baby – You and me and the devil makes three – Don’t need no other lovin baby
Go to sleep little baby – Go to sleep little baby – Come and lay your bones on the alabaster stones – And be my ever lovin baby”
DreamScenes for August 2018:
“I got sunshine in my stomach – Like I just rocked my baby to sleep. – I got sunshine in my stomach – But I can’t keep me from creeping sleep – sleep, deep in the deep”
Aaron Martin‘s soundtracks for ‘Touch Dissolves’ (a photo book by Yusuf Sevinçli), and for William Armstrong’s award winning short documentary ‘Adam’.