Summer Extras – 5

Summer Extras: browsing through releases that somehow got stuck to the bottom of the promo pile but are definitely worth hearing!
Featuring: Jarguna & Henrik Meyerkord, Pruski, LLyn Y Cwn, Shinjuku Thief and Robert Millis.

Summer Extras – 4

Summer Extras: browsing through releases that somehow got stuck to the bottom of the promo pile but are definitely worth hearing!
Featuring: Wanderwelle, Marja Ahti, R.A. Irisarri, Ümlaut and Jack Woodbury.

Fragmented Dialogue (Mix)

A collaboration mix with Dave Michuda from Low Light Mixes:
“5 minutes each turn. Start with a 5-minute track, increase the sample count each turn (next turn 2, next turn 3, next turn 4…) until we reach 60 minutes… (last 5 minutes contain 6 samples each turn). See what happens.”