SoundWave (Mix)

This mix is simply named after the podcast it was created for: Joseph Aleo’s SoundWave.
It is a happy coincidence that it literally starts with ‘waves’ – and ends with the same waves morphing into the sound of a cheering crowd. This mix (hopefully) shows that it can be rewarding to take a moment’s rest to really listen and let the sounds affect you.

Upon Departure (Mix)

Built around Christine Ott’s ‘Comma’ and its variation, ‘Upon Departure’ became a somewhat melancholy journey that fits the end of this remarkable year.
(Surround version also available for free download)

Fragmented Dialogue (Mix)

A collaboration mix with Dave Michuda from Low Light Mixes:
“5 minutes each turn. Start with a 5-minute track, increase the sample count each turn (next turn 2, next turn 3, next turn 4…) until we reach 60 minutes… (last 5 minutes contain 6 samples each turn). See what happens.”

Lockdown (Mix)

I tried to find another name (and image) for this mix, but it seems that only one title remained appropriate at this time.
Music for worrying times…

Radical Candor (Mix)

The mix title, Radical Candor, comes from the (management) philosophy that argues that feedback (on behaviour) is most effective if it is ‘challenging’ but at the same time shows that you ‘care’.
I felt there was a resemblance: the mix is ‘caring’ at times but can also be quite ‘challenging’ to the listener. At least, that was my intention. Now you decide.

Delusional (Mix)

“For me, personally, a mix has the most impact when it feels like I’m watching a movie. With ups, downs, some drama, sentiment, moment of joy, climax and anticlimax. And yes: tension and release.”

James & Anne (Mix)

Headphone Commute, Ambientblog and Slowcraft Records are proud to present a unique mix by a colleague and partner in crime, Peter van Cooten, of beautiful works from a beautiful couple: James Murray and Anne Garner