DreamScenes 2015-07

The warm, soft voice of Anne Garner guides you into (and out of) a dreamy hour of sounds also including Nils Frahm, Bruno Sanfilippo, Leonardo Rosado, Michel Banabila, Söll, Yamaoka, Aes Dana, Miktek and Fabio Perletta.

DreamScenes 2015-06

The DreamScenes selection for this month features exciting (and sometimes mysterious) music from Norn, Glass Candy, Banabila/Machinefabriek, Heezen, Mathias Delplanque, Cello + Laptop, Veroníque Vaka, Andrew Weathers Ensemble, Ben Salisbury/Geoff Barrow, Darren McClure/Jose Soberanos, Todd Tobias, Macheteoxidado and Anne Garner.

DreamScenes 2015-05

It’s probably best to keep awake and try not to fall asleep to the dreamy ambience of this month’s DreamScenes selection.
Because if you do, you’ll miss the rather weird operatic intermissions by We Like We and the timeless deconstruction of Irish Airs by Fovea Hex.
And the very special – and possibly somewhat unexpeced – track from Efrén Lopéz, of which the chours is the cry of alarm that the Cathars used in the 12th century:

DreamScenes 2015-04

This month’s edition focuses on new music from some ‘para-ambient’ releases: not exactly ambient by definition, but definitely atmospheric.

Introducing new albums by Dasha Rush, Yamaoka, Juxta Phona, Forrest Fang, Piano Interrupted, Cass., Bill Seaman, Biosphere, Matthew Mercer and Ah! Kosmos.

DreamScenes 2015-03

Featuring tracks from Boduf Songs, Jeff Bridges, The Notwist,  Jordan De La Sierra and Sinikka Langeland , the march selection is not only hovering on the borders of sleep, but also on the borders of ‘ambient’ music.

Additional atmospheres created by Lauki, Markus Mehr, Ann Deveria, John Kannenberg, Hessien, Jasmine Guffond, Alphaxone, K. Novotny and Field Rotation.

DreamScenes 2015-02

The february edition of DreamScenes, with some great tracks from new and forthcoming releases.
This editions presents new music from Monty Adkins, Loscil, Sonmi451, Hessien, K. Novotny, Sonae, Ricardo Donoso, Eric Holm, Sankt Otten, Second Moon of Winter, Lost Trail and Alio Die & Lorenzo Montanà.

DreamScenes 2015-01

The fourth of the monthly DreamScenes broadcasts, with some great tracks from new and forthcoming releases.
(Full playlist details published below).

The end of 2014 saw the release of many (and I mean many) spectacular albums, of which you’ll find only a selection here.
Some familiar names matched with some lesser known artists…some organic sounds, field recordings, Terje Isungset’s glass percussion (wíth Arve Henriksen), trumpets, pianos, and – of course – some stretched drones…

Enjoy this january issue – and let’s hope it’s the start of a beautiful and musical year!