Miguel Isaza * France Jobin * PinkCourtesyPhone
Closing the year with Miguel Isaza, France Jobin and Pinkcourtesyphone
Closing the year with Miguel Isaza, France Jobin and Pinkcourtesyphone
Exploring the world from your armchair: manipulated environmental recordings by Dan Powell, Kate Carr and Abby Lee Tee.
I could easily fill all of this blog with Machinefabriek/Rutger Zuydervelt releases. Blink twice and the release pages (solo/collaborations) will probably be updated with a new title.
Time for a roundup of some recent releases…
Dutch Roundup (worth international attention): Cut Worms ‘Cable Mounds’, Michel Banabila ‘Stop Motion’ and Jeroen Effern‘s Untitled album.
Sounds for the darkest days:
Scanner‘s soundtrack for a global warming, Aidan Thomas Tobin‘s ‘As Our Blood Separates’, and Iurta‘s ‘Notes Toward a Mental Breakdown’
From Iceland to Eilean:
Gail Priest inspired by Iceland’s nature, Cicely Irvine’s Excavation and Eilean Records end-of-year compilation with exclusive unreleased tracksCicely Irvine‘s Excavation and Eilean Records end-of-year compilation with exclusive unreleased tracks .
Dictaphone creates some things that were missing before, while omrr puts Egypt’s experimental music on our map. Ghost and Tape prepares us for Spring.
Beyond environmental:
Michael Begg‘s Titan-A Crane Is A Bridge and BJ Nilsen‘s trek through the Gran Paradiso alpine mountains.