In the Shortlist sections, I will mention some of the albums that I enjoyed listening to, but couldn’t find the time (or the right words) for a “full” review for. Still, I think they deserve your attention: use the links to find more info and hear previews.

Pavonine – Night Falls with Silver in its Mouth
Opening with some Satie-esque classical piano chords, but soon the atmosphere changes to haunting, almost subconscious sounds.
“Most of the sounds in this album were made using recordings of things we hear in the night… heartbeat sounds in our ears, breaths in and out, the occasional bus driving by or distant siren.”, as Adrienne ‘Pavonine‘ Russell explains. “‘Night Falls with Silver in its Mouth’ is an album that is based on the auditory environment of night where the general ambient sounds of busy days drop away to silence; when the minute becomes amplified, and, though the cause may be hidden in the dark, the fact that something is there cannot be denied.” Free download from Treetrunk netlabel.

Seconds Before Awakening – Eight
“Do not listen while driving or operating heavy machinery”, Mike Waller (Seconds Before Awakening) advises. And that’s a good advice, because this free download offers 60 minutes of deep listening soundscapes that may induce a state of half-sleep. Immersively beautiful and, at some moments, almost uncomfortably dark.