Dawn Secrets

What exactly happens at the moment night changes back into day again, when darkness slowly retreats and light comes back in?  Are we aware of what happens outside, at that time of day most of us are still sleeping?  What sort of animals or creatures are hiding from the light, and what sort finally dare to come out again?  Would we discover “Dawn Secrets” when we’d leave our own safe and familiar surroundings?


Vortex was especially created for the X-Rated radio show. It was broadcast on the May 23, 2010 show (the first day of Pentecost).

Fluid Radio Mix

The mix presented here was created specifically for Fluid Radio. It is no ‘head-tail’ mixtape, but a collage of fragments that are represented in a different context and, doing so, get a different musical meaning.

[R]ecyclopedia [R]emix

Let me begin with a warning: this mix is quite unlike the previous ones! When I started this Recyclopedia mix, I originally wanted to focus on the many ambient music pieces throughout the series, creating an ambient mix and leaving out all other music. But the nature of the project decided otherwise.