With the simultaneous release of this album together with Matthias Urban’s Passagen, the Experimedia label’s relaunch is a firm quality statement.
Pascal Savy may not be as prolific as some of his fellow artists: Dislocations is his third full album, following up Adrift from 2014. But it’s quality that matters, not quantity.
The creative process of composing Dislocations was heavily influences by the works of Mark Fisher, his concept of ‘hauntology’ and ‘the slow cancellation of the future’, and consequently rather pessimistic:
“the production began as a pessimistic reflection on the subtle violence and disembodied forces of what Fisher terms “capitalist realism.”
In other hands this could have resulted in a harsh, confronting noisy ‘power ambient’. But Savy made it a more personal statement, relating it to his own ‘feelings of dislocation’. This resulted in a much more introspective sound.
Still somewhat depressing at times, perhaps, with titles like The Slow Cancellation Of The Future, Echoes Of A Black Hole Eating A Star, Retrograde Amnesia, Night More Viscous Than The Dawn.
But working on this project “would become the means through which he would find himself reconnecting with his art, his community, and sense of hope for the future”.
And that is the message that ultimately remains: the closing track -the longest track on the album- is titled Allow The Light.
Raffaele Pezzella, aka Sonologyst, from Italy, is the curator of Unexplained Sounds Group, a multimedia platform “created to investigate the current underground experimental worldwide music scene”. As the curator as well as a solo performer he is always experimenting with sound, “his music oscillating between the scientific sonic documentary and the psychedelic abstraction”.
The sound capturing device on the cover is a perfect symbol for the music on this album, which seems to capture “oscillations from the ether, signals from other dimensions”. Title and inspiration for this music comes from the Men in Black / Silencers: men dressed in black suits who claim to be government agents who harass or threaten UFO witnesses to keep them quiet about what they have seen. And, yes indeed, there is a lot of conspiracy theory in that description: ‘claim to be’ referring to the possibility that they may be aliens themselves.
The music is an interesting mix of contemporary electronics and a nice retro-scifi 50’s/60’s feel. Sonologyst‘s soundscapes are interesting enough on their own, but the background inspiration takes the music to another level: it becomes a fascinating sonic documentary “including spy tech, declassified documents, official recordings, control techs, secreted scientific information, CIA Deep Black Programs, NASA classified tapes, Secret societies and breakaway civilization hypotheses.”
Almost literally, even, in the last two tracks on the album, which contain a Kennedy speech on the subject as well as some NASA classified tape recordings.
My personal advice: put on your aluminium foil hat before you start listening to this album so you’re protected from alien frequencies!