Rasmus Mølberg Meyer is a sound designer who contributed to various award-winning movies. Viktor Dahl works as a sound designer in the field of performing arts. Together, the Copenhagen-based duo is named Vy – which translates from Danish as ‘View’.
On their debut album Svaevende Dybder (‘Floating Depths’) they are “taking instrumental timbre as their starting points”, Vy “explores interior and exterior landscapes; idyllic cornfields, small forest glades and the elements of nature along with turbulent inner sceneries.”
Their background as music designers in the visual/performing arts can clearly be felt in their music. The album starts with the self-titles track Vy, a bright mood flowing like a fresh stream paired with a contemplative ‘guitar’ (keyboard, I guess) melody. Demogorgon is more abstract in design, while Efter Stormen (After The Storm) is even more quiet and thoughtful, but without getting dark or gloomy.
Vy continues to keep up that sonic originality all through the album- even in the relatively noisy track 16, 1. TV. The album closes with a dubby track Naffet that surprisingly ends with jazzy solo percussion that suggests that the duo would have loved to go on for much longer but weren’t allowed to.
I could not find much information about Man Of No Ego, but with a name like that, this hardly surprised me.
Behind the name is the Bulgarian producer Dimitar Petrov, who until now (self-)released three albums and an audiobook. His musical influences “range from Pink Floyd to Carbon Based Lifeforms”, and are connected to yoga practices and the “deepest intention to convey the message that we, as divine beings, are capable of all there is.”
So yes, we definitely enter new-age territory here but keep your preconceptions under control for now.
Enter Lab’s Cloud, a “downtempo project” of Raúl Jordán from Valencia. As an R+D engineer developing audio processors since 2002, he knows his way around when it comes to mixing and mastering, as well as “creating music to chill, with space atmospheres, ethereal sounds, and acoustic recordings.”
I must be honest here: I am not familiar with the original tracks from Man Of No Ego so I can’t compare the results. But Raúl ‘Lab’s Cloud’ Jordán remix album offers a generous 62 minutes of ambience that has the effect of a floating tank. Perfect for all kinds of situations “where we need to reach a state of deep relaxation.”
For those interested in the subject matter: this album, like most of Man Of No Ego‘s, is produced in 432 Hz tuning (as opposed to the common 440 Hz tuning).
The effect of 432 Hz tuning is subject to ongoing discussions, most of which exceed my comprehension. But whatever the truth in this matter, music can hardly be more relaxing like this.