A word of warning first. This is not an ambient mix intended to relax or create a calm atmosphere. Also, it is not a showcase with full album tracks (you may want to check the DreamScenes editions for those).
It is a ‘create-your-own-movie’ soundtrack with some rather intense climaxes.
And 42 track fragments in less than one hour – almost none of those in full length: all tracks are cut-up, fragmented, edited, layered and re-assembled (but never altered sonically) – like creating a collage from torn pictures.
This also means that none of the parts represents the artists’ original intention (I hope they still can appreciate what I do here). For further exploration, the release details of the fragments are provided so you can check out the original full versions and support the artist wherever possible.

The mix title, Radical Candor, comes from the (management) philosophy described by former Google and Apple executive Kim Scott. In short, it argues that feedback (on behaviour) is most effective if it is challenging but at the same time shows that you care.
A music collage is anything but a management philosophy of course. But still I felt there was a resemblance: the mix is ‘caring’ at times but can also be quite ‘challenging’ to the listener.
At least, that was my intention.
Anyway: I also just liked the way the words sound: Radical Candor. So here it is.
This mix is simultaneously published on the great Headphone Commute website:
“I’m honoured to welcome back a dear friend, Peter van Cooten for his multi-layered textured voyage which has become an art form in itself. Not satisfied with simply arranging his favourites in a particular order, Peter tediously hand-coats the soundscapes which often run six levels deep (just look at the sequence screenshot).”
Thanks, H_C!
[starting time] [fragment length] Artist name – Track title
Album title, release year, label
- 00:00 02:08 Areni Agbabian – Garun A
Bloom, 2019, ECM 2549 - 00:52 01:49 Gideon Wolf – Self Portrait
Replicas, 2019, Fluid Audio 060 - 01:37 01:26 Kammarheit – The Indefinite Vaults
Drone Islands – Land Raising, 2019, Eighth Tower Records - 02:43 01:34 Resina – Trigger (Abul Mogard Remix)
Traces – Remixes, 2019, 130701/Fatcat Records LP1335 - 03:36 02:23 Craig Leon – The Twenty Second Step As Well As The Tenth
Anthology Of Interplanetary Folk Music Vol. 2, 2019, RVNG Intl RVNGNL55 - 05:03 02:53 Angelina Yershova – Cosmotengri
Cosmotengri, 2019, Twin Paradox - 07:02 02:55 Ashtoreth – Elemental I
Drone Islands – Land Raising, 2019, Eighth Tower Records - 09:16 01:31 Robert Scott Thompson – Proximity
Phonotopological, 2018, Acourant AWD 379561 - 10:10 02:42 Alla Zakaykevych – Voice/Way
Kaleidoscope – Experimental Music From Ukraine, 2019, Flaming Pines FLP079 - 12:38 01:51 Snowdrops – Manta Ray
Manta Ray OST, 2019, Gizeh Records GZH87 - 14:13 02:20 Zeno van den Broek – Interlude Two
Breach, 2019, Moving Furniture MFR072 - 15:03 03:52 Jessica Moss – Fractals (Truth 4)
Entanglement, 2018, Constellation CST138 - 18:28 02:55 The London Sound Survey – Maplin Sands
Thames, 2019, Persistance Of Sound PS003 - 19:28 02:17 Rebecka Sofia Ahvenniemi – Winds
Tacit-Citat-Ion, 2019, Ravello Records RAVL8011.2 - 21:08 01:58 Giulio Aldinucci – The Burning Alphabet
Disappearing In A Mirror, 2018, Karl Records KR055 - 22:06 03:33 John Haniver – Black
How To Live Like A Ghost, 2019, Linge Records LINGE089 - 22:20 00:44 Anxious Bot – Check The Basement
Crystal Bible, 2018, self-released - 23:38 01:56 Anxious Bot – Check The Basement
Crystal Bible, 2018, self-released - 24:20 03:25 Carl Stone – Kuk II Kwan (1981)
Electronic Music From The Seventies And Eighties, 2016, Unseen Worlds UW15 - 26:07 01:22 Maxime Tanguay – Nain Field
Sertraline, 2018, the end is near then012 - 26:53 01:44 Colin Stetson – Second Seance, Pt. 1 (+ Reversed)
Hereditary OST, 2018, Milan M2-36952 - 27:42 02:06 Osa7209 – Osa 14
Orchestral, 2019, self-released - 29:11 02:14 Sven Laux & Daniela Orvin – A Moment Of Silence
The Writings, 2019, Dronarivm DR-59 - 31:00 02:33 Jane Antonia Cornish – Lux
Constellations, 2018, Innova Recordings innova 006 - 32:28 02:34 Fiona Brice – Movement 1 (Holographic Field Rework)
String Quartet No. 1, 2018, Bigo And Twigeti - 34:44 00:58 Goncalo F. Cardoso – Radio Zanzibar Étude 1
Impressões De Uma Ilha (Unguja), 2018, Edições Cn ECN19 - 35:08 01:12 Juha-Matti Rautiainen – Void
Above Me Weeps The Sky, 2018, Randomizer Media RDZCD05 - 35:20 02:26 Joseph Dugan – Sit In The Center Watching And Forget That You’re There
Swaha, 2019, self-released - 35:32 00:50 The Books – Bonanza
The Lemon Of Pink, 2003, Tomlab tom 32 - 37:15 02:36 Julia Kent – Through The Window
Temporal, 2019, Leaf BAY 106CD - 38:54 04:19 The London Sound Survey – Alhallows Marshes Night
Thames, 2019, Persistance Of Sound PS003 - 39:03 07:40 Sleep Research Facility – Theta2Delta
From Here To Tranquility Volume 9 – In Dreams, 2018, Silent Records - 42:33 03:14 Sarah Davachi – Evensong
Gave in Rest, 2018, Ba Da Bing! BING 137 - 44:31 02:39 Keru Not Ever – Équilibre De La Terreur
The Wind Of ?, 2019, Infinite Machine IM071 - 46:04 02:52 Bas van Huizen – Torrewolk
Kulverzuchter, 2018, Moving Furniture Records MFR063 - 47:40 01:32 Rafael Kolacki – Ra’s
A’Za. Hearing Ethiopia, 2017, Zoharum ZOHAR 154-2 - 48:20 02:00 Rauelsson – Mistral
Mirall, 2018, Sonic Pieces 027 - 49:40 01:05 Rafael Kolacki – Ra’s
A’Za. Hearing Ethiopia, 2017, Zoharum ZOHAR 154-2 - 50:02 02:36 Deaf Center – Undone
Low Distance, 2019, Sonic Pieces 028 - 51:54 02:55 Alla Zakaykevych – Voice/Way
Kaleidoscope – Experimental Music From Ukraine, 2019, Flaming Pines FLP079 - 54:03 03:11 Martin Ptak – The Source
River Tales, 2018, Col Legno WWE 1CD 20441 - 56:10 02:41 Dickon Hinchliffe – Return To The Forest
Leave No Trace OST, 2018, Lakeshore Records - 58:52 End
Thanks for creating and sharing this beautiful mix, Peter.
fantastic creation by Peter Van Cooten .
42 tracks of ambient music transformed into a surreal journey of an hour. original work, advanced mixing and wonderful piece of its own.
glad that ” A Moment of Silence ” from The Writings is taking part here too 🙂
I think its an honor to be part of such authentic art . more of such please
Wow! That’s some mix!
Really amazing work.. thank you for another unbelievably good journey..
Thanks for sharing this intriguing interpretation and reassembly.
Thanks so much, Peter Van Cooten and Headphone Commute!
It’s a fantastic mix. Really love the use of the voice in it.
Really nice mix, I like the approach of only including fragments of the original tracks and creating something new with them.
Clap Hands! Thank you PvC. Thank you Mike.
it came out beautiful!!
What a wonderful mix ,, waiting you from a long time ,,
Very interesting mix! Enjoyed it from start to end
really beautiful thank you